Vendetta Agnes Von Weiss Dressed Doll
  • Vendetta Agnes Von Weiss Dressed Doll
  • Vendetta Agnes Von Weiss Dressed Doll
  • Vendetta Agnes Von Weiss Dressed Doll
  • Vendetta Agnes Von Weiss Dressed Doll

Vendetta Agnes Von Weiss Dressed Doll


Agnes Von Weiss® Dressed Doll
The 2021 Integrity Toys Convention: Obsession


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Head Sculpt: Agnes
Body Type: FR 6.0
Foot Sculpt: High-heeled
Skin Tone: Japan
Hair Color: Pale Blonde
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-applied
Quickswitch: No

This Agnes reminds me a lot of Dressing The Part Agnes, the doll styling and the silhouette of the dress is very close to that doll. Despite the Vendetta moniker, she looks very sweet and kind here, the veil and the ringlets framing her face giving her a renaissance Madonna feel. If you take away the hat, there’s nothing military about her. Her screening (not colouring) is like Malibu Agnes and Head For Glamour Agnes. She looks like the child of Taylor Swift and Grace Kelly.

90 tickets

Data sheet

2021 Convention Obsession